Charlie Munger (Personal Development), Set Strategy & Buying Psychology
From Proust to Proctologists – Charlie Munger on Personal Development From Maimonides to proctologists to Proust, Munger lays it on the line in terms of how people should invest in themselves. Discover what you’re interested in Find an advantage you can monetize Don’t let your ideals stop you from engaging in the world Learn the…
McKinsey Problem Solving, Hunter-Gatherer Networks & Latinx Startups
Six problem-solving mindsets for very uncertain times Be ever-curious Natural human biases in decision making, including confirmation, availability, and anchoring biases, often cause us to shut down the range of solutions too early. Tolerate ambiguity—and stay humble! Recent research shows that we are better at solving problems when we think in terms of odds rather…
Upwork Freelance 2020, Nubank (LatAM) & Roku
Freelance Forward 2020: The U.S. Independent Workforce Report Key Insights: COVID-19 pandemic drives influx of young, highly-skilled, first-time freelancers seeking alternate career opportunities Freelancers are increasingly high-skilled: 50% of freelancers provide skilled services such as computer programming, marketing, IT, and business consulting, up from 45% in 2019. More professionals are freelancing full-time: The share of independent…
Curators, Bangladesh Facebook E-commerce & Project Aristotle (Google)
If Zuckerberg ran your economy, it would look a lot like this In Bangladesh, there is no Amazon. There is no eBay. If you want to buy a dress or a crested finch from the comfort of your home, you have to use Facebook. From discovery to delivery, this whole process happened on Facebook. In…
China and World Oceans, Founding Fathers and Land & NYC’s $50,000-a-Year Elite Private Schools
How China’s Expanding Fishing Fleet Is Depleting the World’s Oceans Notes: By some calculations, China has anywhere from 200,000 to 800,000 fishing boats, By comparison, the United States’ distant water fishing fleet has fewer than 300 vessels. China is not only the world’s biggest seafood exporter, the country’s population also accounts for more than a…
First 1,000 Users, Motivation (James Clear) & How Uber Grew (Tweet)
How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users – Issue 25 You’ll find first-hand accounts of how essentially every major consumer app acquired their earliest users, including lessons from Tinder, Uber, Superhuman, TikTok, Product Hunt, Netflix, and many more. Enjoy! “The very first iteration of DoorDash was a website called paloaltodelivery.com with PDF’d…
Brand Marketing, Google Product Manager & Ancient Rome Financial Crisis
What’s the secret behind the world’s stickiest brands? Notes: Siebert explains that “It’s not at all about creating consistently good customer experiences, but about creating intentionally chaotic, maddening, and unpredictable ones.” The first step is providing customers with “rapid entry.” Lindridge adds, “It’s also not about making services convenient, easy, or satisfying, but instead about making them…
Bankruptcy, Matcha (Green Tea) & Import and Export Ideas
A Bankruptcy History of Manias & Panics (in 70 pages) This is really long but just take a look at the table of contents and you’ll see why it’s worth the read. Check out: Appendix Exhibit 3: Business Failures (1857-1998) in the PDF. The history of bankruptcy law is intertwined with that of crises and…
Global Trade Networks, Data Maps Urban Growth & Bitcoin Bubbles
From war elephants to cheap electronics: modern globalisation has its roots in ancient trade networks But globalisation isn’t new. Archaeological research shows it began in antiquity. A global economy, with luxury consumerism and global interconnectivity, linked Europe, Africa and Asia at least 5,000 years ago and was widespread 2,000 years ago. The Roman and Han…
6,000 Calories in Chess, Airbnb Mortgages & Stratechery Empire
The grandmaster diet: How to lose weight while barely moving Robert Sapolsky, who studies stress in primates at Stanford University, says a chess player can burn up to 6,000 calories a day while playing in a tournament, three times what an average person consumes in a day. Based on breathing rates (which triple during competition),…