Charlie Munger (Personal Development), Set Strategy & Buying Psychology

From Proust to Proctologists – Charlie Munger on Personal Development

Set Strategy

“This is the probably the only logical first strategy for anyone starting to play set. This is the part of their development to familiarize themselves with the rules and constraints of the game such that they can recognize sets quicker when they see it.”

29 Psychological Tricks To Make You Buy More

Stop buying dumb shit or better yet start a business and sell to others.

Continuous Improvement: How It Works and How to Master It

We should focus on continuous improvement by slowly and slightly adjusting our normal everyday habits and behaviors. (Compound Habits)

The Age of Megafires: The World Hits a Climate Tipping Point

From Siberia to Australia to the western U.S., massive fires have consumed millions of acres this year and spawned fire-generated tornados and other phenomena rarely seen before. Scientists say the world has entered a perilous new era that will demand better ways of fighting wildfires.