The Power of Storytelling , Code with Basketball and Productivity

Don’t write a story about what happens, write your story, and then make it happen.

I do this every day. Get a notebook or paper and a pencil, and write what you want, and make it happen. The science behind all this is fascinating. Check out this video at minute 20:29 exactly.

HASUI KAWASE: The Godfather of the Studio Ghibli aesthetic | PRA Presents: Selected shin-hanga works

Just watch, that’s all.

Hasui Kawase (1883 –1957) was a master of the Japanese art of shin-hanga. Kawase’s style was heavily influenced by western art, but his medium of choice was the traditionally Japanese woodblock print.

Kawase’s aesthetic was the product of uncompromising authenticity. He would only paint a scene where he had been firsthand and he would try to recreate it as accurately as possible. This resulted in beautifully realistic works of art which captured light and color in a special way. Kawase would go on to inspire a generation of animators who used his realistic style to form imagined worlds that felt real. One of those animators was Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli. Studio Ghibli produced animation which was so detailed it could be classified as art. When looking at scenes from a Studio Ghibli film it’s hard not to see the influence of shin-hanga artists, most prominent of them Hasui Kawase.

Learn to Code with Basketball 

Found this randomly because I was researching copywork. This would be a great way to get kids who are into sports to learn how to code. I wish I had this as a kid!

It focuses on: (Python, SQL, data manipulation, visualization, and modeling)

They also have footballbaseballsoccer and hockey versions.

Check out who Nathan is here.

Keeping my eye on the drought

Since living in Europe, this has consumed me.

HOWTO: Be more productive

I really fuck with this. If you didn’t know who he is, Aaron Swartz is an internet person who did some really cool stuff, check out this documentary about him here.

Anyway, the point of this blog post was the following:

  1. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.
  2. Only do what you feel like doing.
  3. Don’t be told what to do (even if the pay is great).
  4. Just read the blog post

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