All this was old stuff.
I read about everything and anything. Then, I think and connect some dots together and I figure out some stuff.
And with that stuff, I can come up with ideas to help out.
Basically, I’m an I know a bit about everything.
Now you might be thinking what does that mean and how can I help you?
This medium article can explain:
An Expert Generalist as someone who has the ability and curiosity to master and collect expertise in many different disciplines, industries, skills, topics, capabilities etc. It also means being able to draw on that diverse knowledge base to recognize patterns, connect dots, and improvise on situations.
But this is a good story from Isaiah Berlin called The Hedgehog and the Fox.
Berlin expands upon this idea to divide writers and thinkers into two categories: hedgehogs, who view the world through the lens of a single defining idea (examples given include
Plato, Lucretius, Dante Alighieri, Blaise Pascal, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, Henrik Ibsen, Marcel Proust and Fernand Braudel), and foxes, who draw on a wide variety of experiences and for whom the world cannot be boiled down to a single idea(examples given include Herodotus, Aristotle, Desiderius Erasmus, William Shakespeare, Michel de Montaigne, Molière, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Aleksandr Pushkin, Honoré de Balzac, James Joyce and Philip Warren Anderson).
But, if you’re still wondering how I can help, just send me a message @InfoReadKnow (Twitter) or @bookflow (Instagram).