Why My First Startup Didn’t Take Off (Yet)—and How It Led to a New Idea

I think I want to talk through my newest idea (project).

Before I get to that, I’m going to backtrack a bit and talk about another project I was/still working on; don’t worry, it’s related; it’s called Trabajos Creadores.

This startup was meant to be the first (and still is as of August 2024) Spanish-speaking creator job board.

My friend Jon A. coded the whole thing from scratch, which is awesome.

He’s self-taught, and his story is super interesting, including how we met, but that’s for another day.

I think I made the first mistake of indie hacking by building everything out.

But honestly, I don’t think it took too long; about 100 hours were put into making this website functional.

Add my marketing, pitching, community engagement, writing Reddit posts, etc.

Anyways, I think it was a bit of a mistake to build this out first.


Because we didn’t actually validate it through payments.

Our first sin of indie hacking: Thou shall receive payments first!

But I thought in some ways we did validate this idea.

I did a lot of market research beforehand and decided to get Jon on board to partner up.

As I dug around, I realized that there wasn’t anything for Spanish speakers or people from Latin America.

What I mean is that there was “potential” for a market for a creator job board.

I discovered through Twitter (yes, I still call it that), Reddit, and other social media platforms and communities that there wasn’t a platform for us (Spanish speakers/Latin Americans).

Many of the job boards you find online are mostly for the English-speaking world, like Indeed, Upwork, Fiverr, etc.

As for the creator economy, the job boards were just starting to emerge; YTjobs, creatoreconomyjobs, Roster and more were still in their infancy.

With that said, I figured, why not create our own category? Let’s be the first ones!

So that’s how we started Trabajos Creadores.

Another reason why I thought (still think) Trabajos Creadores could work is that I’ve been working in the creator economy for a few years now working as a scriptwriter, strategist, and researcher for many creators like Patrick CC, Paul Millerd (Pathless Path), and Dodford many more in the fiance, sports and documentary niches on YouTube.

I had insider information about how creators think, and what they want in a scriptwriter, video editor, or strategist.

I think it took about three months to work on this on and off. Jon coded, and I did everything else.

But after we did our first initial beta phase, crickets.

It seemed strange. I thought I did the work (research).

It just seemed that people might be into this.

Maybe I was wrong.

After a few weeks of promoting, trying to reach out to creators, and inviting video editors to try and sign up for Trabajos Creadores, there was not much traction for our efforts.

Yesterday (August 25th, 2024), it kinda dawned on me.

Why not expand this to everyone?

It reminds me of this super rare book I bought a while back about Ben Franklin. (I might be the only one who has a copy of it.)

On the first page, it says:

Ben Fraknlin Book
B. FRANKLIN Inventor
POOR RICHARD was, above all else, a practical man. He knew, as few men do, that the way to popularize an idea was to apply it to the benefit of his fellow men.
Nineteen Hundred Sixty

It inspired me to think differently.

Yes, I know there are other job boards online, but why not make one specifically for Spanish speakers/Latin Americans?

A few months back, I started a subreddit called r/Latinonomads; as of now, it has over 200 members.

As the name indicates, it’s a space for Latinos who nomad and work online.

I have 200 members on this subreddit!

I have an audience that might be interested in this.

They are nomads who work online!

This group might have full-time jobs, freelance work, create courses, etc.

So that’s when I started my new idea: Wifi Trabajos.

It’s August 26, 2024.

This is my plan for it; let’s see how it goes.

This would be a new job board for everyone to find work, whether full-time, part-time, freelance, contract, gig, etc.

People would sign up with their emails, and employers would pay per job post.

I would not build this out right away but validate it with email signups from people looking for work and receive payments from businesses looking to hire the best person for the job.

This time, we would recycle the code from Trabajos Creadores for Wifi Trabajos.

Since Jon has already done the hard work, he can just chill until this is validated!

This time, I would use free tools like Carrd, Google Forms, and Stripe.

Carrd is great for a simple website template, Google Forms for capturing emails and information, and Stripe to get payments.

I won’t reinvent the wheel—I’ll copy other job boards, taking what I like and deem useful.

Also, I will/have already started to germinate Reddit with engaging posts about working online, how to find work online, etc.

I got pretty good engagement, and I will post again to promote my new startup, Wifi Trabajos.

That’s all I have so far, but let’s see it this time…

My Takeaway:

In the end, the best way to learn, grow, or improve is learning from failure. (YouTube)

The brain learns from doing things, taking action and reflecting on previous actions.

Here’s the clip:

that your brain is like a muscle

The more you use it, the stronger gets

and that the best way to grow it

isn’t to do things that are easy for you

that might help a little bit

But what really helps your brain

is when you struggle with things

and actually research shows that

your brain grows the most not when you get a question “right”

but when you get a question “wrong”

So at least for me this is incredibly exciting

because it lets me know that

when I’m going through something

and I’m facing those times of

maybe a little bit of adversity or a little bit of frustration

I can feel good about the fact

that those are actually the times

that I am growing the most.

And this isn’t just something that I’m saying nice words

research tells us

when you get something wrong

when you challenge your brain

when you review why you got it wrong

when you really process that feedback

that’s when your brain grows the most

and that if you keep doing that

you’re well on your way to having a stronger more able

and I guess you could say

smarter brain.