Memory and Exercise, Market Corrections & Geography of Brain Power

How Exercise Affects Our Memory

Even a single workout may make our brain’s memory centers, like our muscles, more fit.

The Anatomy of a Market Correction

Today’s infographic comes to us from Fisher Investments, and it describes the anatomy of market corrections, while also visualizing much of the data around these common events.

The Geography of Brain Drain in America

Across the United States, there are fewer states gaining brainpower than draining it, according to a new report from the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee.

Revolution at Work

This year, we partnered with HR&A Advisors, an industry-leading economic development and policy-research firm, to track our community’s impact on people and businesses, neighborhoods, and cities across the world.

How Mapping Shots In The NBA Changed It Forever

Every year, NBA players take about 200,000 shots. Each season, 30 teams combine to play 1,230 games, and at the end of the regular season, you can bet the sum total of shots taken will be very close to 200,000.