Geography of Global Rich, LinkedIn AI List & Children’s Books

The Geography of the Global Super-Rich

The super-rich are concentrated in a small number of metros around the world.

The #Ai 100 List 2018

Over the last month or two, the team at Us Ai, and the Ai Think Tank I chair, put their head together to bring you a list of the 100 people we think are shaping the conversation around Ai.

The Secret Power of the Children’s Picture Book

Even infants get profound cognitive and behavioral benefits from sharing a vivid story.

More choice on privacy just means more chances to do what’s best for big tech

Nudge proved very popular with policymakers because it suggested a strategy for encouraging citizens to make intelligent choices without overtly telling them what to do.

How black women were whitewashed by art

Where are all the beautiful, powerful, black-skinned females from mythology and history? They were erased by Western art, argues Sophia Smith Galer.