Geography and Innovation, Venture Capital & Internet Users

How the Geography of Startups and Innovation Is Changing

A number of U.S. cities continue to dominate the global landscape, including the San Francisco Bay Area, New York, Boston, and Los Angeles, but the rest of the world is gaining ground rapidly.

The state of Singaporean Venture Capital

Venture capital went from being a boutique activity to one that Singapore’s corporate and financial folks are active in. Corporates are testing innovation labs and platforms. Private bankers and wealth managers are interested in advising on VC investments.

Internet milestone reached, as more than 50 per cent go online: UN telecoms agency

Despite this progress, ITU has warned that a lot of communities worldwide, still do not use the internet, particularly women and girls. The statistics show older people also disproportionately remain offline, as do those with disabilities, indigenous populations and some people living in the world’s poorest places.

The healthiest people in the world don’t go to the gym

People in the world’s Blue Zones—the places around the world with the highest life expectancy—don’t pump iron, run marathons or join gyms.

What science has gotten wrong by ignoring women

Sexism has long skewed research, but a new wave of scientists is shifting course.