Predatory Lending, Machine Learning and Trade & 8-Second Attention

Predatory Lending Practices: Business Borrowers Hurt By ’Confession of Judgment’ Filings

How an obscure legal document turned New York’s court system into a debt-collection machine that’s chewing up small businesses across America.

Humans may have invented the various languages of the world, but machines are well-suited to smoothing out the problems they can cause for international trade.

How to Beat the 8-Second Attention Span Plague

The average attention span of a goldfish is about 9 seconds. Humans in this day and age, on the other hand, hold attention spans of 8.25 seconds. Quite an astounding and disturbing fact.

These Countries Are the Best in the World at Attracting Talent

(Bloomberg) — Switzerland once again clinched the top spot in a global survey on fostering and attracting talent, in a top 10 list that includes Canada but not the U.S., and no Asian nations.

Amazon’s HQ2 Decision Was Always About Transit