Ancient Rome, Quantum Computing & The Floating Island Project

Ancient Rome’s Collapse Is Written Into Arctic Ice

Scientists can finally track the civilization’s economic booms and recessions—thanks to the exhaust of its massive coin-making operation, preserved for centuries in Greenland’s ice sheet.

A floating Pacific island is in the works with its own government, cryptocurrency and 300 houses

The project is a pilot program in partnership with the government of French Polynesia, which will see 300 homes built on an island that runs under its own governance, using a cryptocurrency called Varyon.

The Future Is Knit: Why the Ancient Art of Knitting Is High-Tech Again

These potential products and the wearables we know (and are disappointed by) today, is that their technology can be seamlessly integrated into our clothes. Remove the battery, and such smart garments would be nearly indistinguishable from their un-enhanced ancestors.

3D-printed smart gel that walks underwater, moves objects

The watery creation could lead to soft robots that mimic sea animals like the octopus, which can walk underwater and bump into things without damaging them. It may also lead to artificial heart, stomach and other muscles, along with devices for diagnosing diseases, detecting and delivering drugs and performing underwater inspections.

Time to invest in skills for quantum computing revolution

The full quantum revolution is still years away. But for companies in the fields that will be affected first, the time to start investing in developing the skills needed for the quantum computer era is already here.