5 Research-Based Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination
Why do we procrastinate? Read about the 7 triggers, its all emotional.
How Italians Influenced a South American Dialect
Great story on how Italians influenced a South American Country.
Researchers discover the key to long-term memory
Interesting research on CaMKII.
Struggling to Lose Weight? Science Proves This Common Marketing Strategy Is a Prime Culprit
It makes you believe you are making a logical decision.
The History of Sears Predicts Nearly Everything Amazon Is Doing
By looking at Sears’ history, we start to see a trend with Amazon. Both used demographics to win.
The Four Most Important Financial Lessons I Will Teach My Daughter
- Compound Interest
- Wants vs. Needs
- Material Possessions is not Wealth!
- If its too good to be true..
Nestlé Makes Billions Bottling Water It Pays Nearly Nothing For
“Between 2005 and 2016, Nestlé has taken over 4 billion gallons of our water for pennies and sold it back to us for huge profits”