NYC Tech Cities, Digital Urban Planning & Singapore Innovation Hub

New York Beats Out San Francisco to Be World’s Best Tech City

New York pulled ahead thanks to its volume of venture capital cash, large pool of talent — both homegrown and people attracted to the city — and the opportunities that exist for them.

Digital urban planning: twins help make sense of smart cities

In an age of rapid urban growth and expansion, planning is crucial to a city’s ability to be competitive while supporting the wellbeing of its citizens. This is where digital twins come in handy.

How Investment Made Singapore an Innovation Hub

The “Singapore miracle” shows the impact foreign investors can have, especially when compared with foreign donations.

How migration of millennials and seniors has shifted since the Great Recession

Migration across the United States has shifted noticeably since the 2007-2009 Great Recession with many areas hoping to attract members of two huge generations: the young adult millennial generation and the increasingly graying baby boomers.


Asian governments know that in the short run, it makes sense to import brains to stimulate innovation, and almost every Asian country is doing the opposite of the West: opening their arms to attract talent from far and wide.